08 June 2022

It is recommended to bring a laptop, tablet or, sometimes, smartphones with video content to go camping with the children.

This is something that I learned the hard way. My mother has been my constant supporter throughout the week in encouraging me to think about and remember this. I only shared with her my excitement about going on the first ever camping trip with my children, her grandkids, and there she was, in my kitchen puffing and puffing up with tips and directions for every possible situation. I'm not afraid of her speaking, but hearing her lecture. But listening to her makes me nervous, so I tried to conclude it quicker than I ought to have. I made a huge mistake and learned that the next day or two was my fault.
youtube video downloader for camping trips

We took our car with us and drove to the campsite. I was hoping to recreate the rural experience I shared with my father back in the day so I decided to go to one of the most remote locations. It proved to be not located in an area with internet service. Our smartphones were not working, and we were pretty much alone without a camper to be seen. I'm not judging you I was hoping to have a fantastic vacation off of working.. We spent 3 days outdoors in the nature surroundings, in the midst of the natural world.. Within just 24 hours, we drove back home.

What was the situation? We had no Internet or bars, nothing. I had a laptop and some online games. The bag was not even able to leave my hand. I had a great backdrop ready for the trees to see my projector, that I took along to make big-screen effects movies. There was no Internet connection to Hulu, Netflix, or Disney+. All they wanted was to check their emails, text messages, school matters, etc. I was sick of it and packed the car for the return trip. My kids produced sounds that were like piglets enjoying delicious food. I love my children. It was an embarrassing incident. They gasped and mooaned when their phones began to ring and announced the arrival of texts.

Since then, I've learned to be more prepared and avoid getting trapped in an area with no roaming. But, during our lengthy cruise to get there, I realized I needed two laptops and two tablets to keep me company. My tablet has Hulu offline videos on one hand, and Netflix movies on the other. And the laptop has all my music videos and movies. I have about 600 hours of content to watch which includes the complete Will & Grace, Friends and South Park seasons and added episodes.

I have lots of videos filled with fun stuff for children. I downloaded some Youtube music videos, and converted them to MP3 format. I came across this website application which allows me to download videos directly onto my laptop. This means I can play the videos offline at any time I want, so long as I have power. I record a lot of TV Shows, Movies, and Online Lectures. These videos I save as MP4 on my laptop. Later I just play them using VLC, KMP, or practically any video that supports 4K.

4k is another thing that I insist on. Have you watched this? Video is crystal clear and incredible. I truly recommend. Televisions that can play 4K video are equipped with wonderful software that enhances the quality of the video and boosts the quality of the video. Old video footage is transformed into smooth and modern video. All girls and boys will enjoy it!

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