24 May 2022

Don't forget from where we all came to, the open air parties or the great hangouts of the 90s

Although I don’t know what year or where you were born, I’m certainly a member of the generation X-Y borderline. I grew up in rural areas with no clubs. My 20th birthday was my first night at a club. I remember doing too many uppers and lowers to really recall. But my friends told me I had a blast. This was my first nightclub experience, more of the experience of a baptism. And then I was hooked. It wasn't the trapping of living a normal life, it was the way things went the moment.. For several years I moved from one club to the next. Are you familiar with the lyrics to "Who's willing to give me an ride to the aftershow?" That was me. I walked out of an establishment at the first light to take a taxi for a drive to someone's house, getting ready for the evening.
Download party videos from Youtube

On some days, we didn't get a rest for a long time, filled with energy, life, and youthful energy that filled our bodies. We bid goodbye to the final Final Countdown party the following night and headed out to Central Park to go for stroll.. I can still recall wearing antiperspirant from head to toe and sweating for hours out of my forehead..

The video was saved permanently by my friends. It was a surprise to me when it was taken down after I learned that there was a recordings of a party that were made public by a label, etc, you are now aware that you shouldn't put any music Mp3 on youtube videos, we didn;t know that back then. I'm sure there's 2conv. It's my amazing site that for free offers to download videos from Youtube and then convert them into mp4 or mp3 file on your laptop or macbook. It can also work on your smartphone. It's all I need to do is to forward the URL of the video to 2conv in order to download it to my computer. Unfortunately, I couldn't contact the member of the group who had been there for 5 years, but it was nice to have a conversation.

Everybody must be careful not to claim any rights to their music or videos. If you make use of someone else's work or likeness it is possible that they will eventually sue you, remove your video down, or even worse claim that you earned money from fabricating the video, and for every 3 million views they want one dollar... You get drunk and delete the video, then drink for 2 weeks and pray that all is forgotten... Don't do this, instead, choose the music that is royalty-free, free and won't ruin your life...

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